Looking back at 2009 all I can say is WOW!!!
My life looks so completely different this January of 2010 than it did January 2009. I feel more awareness, peacefulness and excitement for the adventures to come. It was a year of creativity. I created my business Goddess Power. I got to meet many, many amazing clients that have changed their lives and I love what they have done for themselves and how it has affected others in their lives. I got to shop A LOT!! For the store and that was a blast. Not all the shopping decisions I made were profitable, but the lessons were invaluable. The Witch Balls and Goddess Jewellery were my best decisions.
It was also a year of learning. I learned about entrepreneurship. I learned that traditional ways of doing business do not work for me. I attracted teleclasses that offered alternatives. Thank you Adela Rubio. I learned about Facebook fan pages ~ love to all of my fans, and twitter~love to all my twitter friends, and I am still learning about fan pages and Twitter.
I learned the value of a Virtual Assistant. Thank you Dawn Martinello and Tia Olson. I learned a lot from teleclasses that focused on healing and consciousness. Thank you Jennifer McLean and Lisa Garr.
I learned about the importance of having my own coach on this physical plane as well as all the coaches I have on other planes, it is about the importance of having someone listen to you and respond. She is a bargain at any price! Thank you Tamara Rabinovitch. My learning has accelerated after working with you, which enhances my client interactions as well. Love the ripple affect.
I learned that my writing skills were a true asset to my business. I learned that I tended to take on and feel energy that was not mine. Great when I am doing client sessions, not so great every day. I learned how to protect myself and block my energies to keep myself grounded. I learned that I get to choose who my ideal clients are and how to attract them. To all of you beautiful people, my life is enriched for having connected with you.
I learned that I can attract situations I did not know existed ~the entrepreneur interview. I learned how to project my energy to remote view, and how delicious that is. I learned that I cannot save and heal everyone ~ that is way too draining energetically. I learned about lizards and how to chat with one to heal myself. I learned that being in anyone’s business other than my own is a very bad idea. I learned how connected energetically we all are and how to use that energy to heal without draining myself. I learned to listen to the ebbs and flows of my energy to be more productive in the flows and to rest during the ebbs. I learned that saying no energetically is just as important as saying no physically.
I learned the importance of investing in myself, money is only energy and spending it is fun! I learned the importance of focusing on strengths rather than trying to fix weaknesses.
I learned that listening to my own guidance always pays off even when it is a challenge and the harder road. I am very excited for the adventures of 2010.
This felt like a proclamation and a life song at the same time. There were so many beautifully woven threads of you coming apart and weaving the fabric of you anew. A more tensile strength, a brocade in tones of royal gold and crimson . . . majestic, powerful and sovereign.
What a joy to come to know you through your writing. You seed life with beauty, boldness and brilliance. Yeah.
Adela Rubio
thank you Adela.