Confidence and Intentions


In this podcast, the Psychic Cowgirl,  a mindfulness and laughter yoga instructor, discusses the importance of meditation and energy shifts for personal well-being. The session includes guided meditation techniques aimed at reducing anxiety and fostering relaxation.

 The Psychic Cowgirl reflects on a recent conflict with another individual in the laughter yoga community, emphasizing the significance of intentions and the need to prioritize personal peace over drama. This conversation highlights the challenges of interpersonal dynamics and the importance of maintaining a positive mindset.

The host’s insights underscore the value of self-awareness and community support in navigating conflicts.

This podcast is important as it provides practical tools for managing stress and enhancing emotional resilience, promoting a healthier approach to personal and communal interactions. The Psychic Cowgirl’s experiences serve as a reminder of the transformative power of mindfulness and intentional living.  You can listen to the podcast by clicking the show title on the player to the right on a desktop, or on this link