Daily Oracle Card ~ EARTH SCHOOL
Life lessons. Soul growth. Study. Higher learning.
Planet Earth is a great initiation for the soul and life lessons are the curriculum for which we enroll.
These aren’t one-time lessons but themes we choose to circle around, deepening our experience of them as we make our way through the spiral of life. Life lessons aren’t only about getting it right they’re also about getting it wrong.
Remembering that Earth is a planet of polarity helps with this understanding. Each year the study deepens more and more.
If you pull this card while you’re going through a difficult time, you’re being prompted to remember that your soul came here to grow and learn. Try not to look at difficult times as ‘getting it wrong’ instead, see them as opportunities for soul growth. If you can find a way to grow and soften your heart through the highs and lows, your soul is most definitely growing, which is the whole point!
Pulling this card can also mean that you’re being called to embark on a new area of study or growth. This could be through structured learning, such as university, school, or a training course. If you’re having difficulties in a relationship, you’re being reminded that these are opportunities for soul growth after all, relationships are known as the number one way that we grow as souls while we’re here on Earth.
Starseed Oracles