Daily Oracle Card ~ LEMURIA
Creating heaven on Earth. It’s happening.
Lemuria or Mu is one of the Earth’s lost lands, where heaven really was a place on Earth. A time before we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. In Lemuria, life worked in harmony, all beings were seen as equal and we were deeply reverent to Mother Earth. We knew that a mosquito was no worse than us and the sun no better.
Perhaps you too believe that heaven really can be a place on Earth. Perhaps you are part of the transition team who at soul level are devoted to creating this kind of harmony on the planet now.
Thank you for wanting to do this work.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the state of affairs on the planet right now, but you are being encouraged to keep holding the clear vision of the future; it is closer than you think.
You may be guided to hold the frequency of Lemuria in your own community, family, workplace, or within yourself.
Know that it is possible, and while at times it may feel like you are alone, you truly are not. There are hundreds of thousands who hold the codes of this ancient lost land and even Lemuria crystals that hold the codes of remembering that are beginning to rise all over the planet.
Keep doing what you are doing and remember: The only way to heal the world around us is to first heal ourselves.