Daily Oracle Card ~ Messenger.
A higher Source of wisdom taps wellsprings of inspiration and energy, connecting you more deeply to your soul’s purpose. To engage with this powerful archetype, you must be willing to ask for help and embody the wisdom and power of the horse.
The Pegasus archetype has long been the bridge between this world and the spirit realm. Messenger from the gods and a loyal companion to the Muses, capable of jump-starting artistic talent and carrying those who have lived heroically to the stars.
Engaging with this white-winged horse, inviting them to fly through your imagination, helps you access a divine source of wisdom and inspiration, allowing you to find a deeper meaning and purpose in your own earthly journey. Ride this horse, become them for a while, and you’ll begin to create your life as the work of art it was meant to be. 
Way of the Horse Oracles