Daily Oracle Card ~ Pine Spirit
Your energy field is being cleansed of all that it doesn’t need traditionally. Pine branches have been used in cleansing ceremonies because ancient people revered the purifying qualities. The essential oil of pine is antibacterial and antiseptic as well, which is useful for protecting people from harmful bacteria.
This card’s appearance is a message to release what doesn’t serve, support, or empower you. Let go of anything that feels dull and murky in your life.
Cleanse your body and your environment by cleaning, clearing space, and clearing clutter. When your field is cluttered, and your energy is dingy, you can’t see the world clearly and will have trouble hearing the messages from Spirit.
The time has come to lighten up! Eat and live lightly. Before a shiny, vibrant new cycle can begin, letting go of the old is essential. The brilliance that pours through you can then shine throughout your life and also help many people. But first, the path has to be made clear.
Sacred Forest Oracle Cards