Daily Oracle Card ~ Promise.
Equine birth is an accelerated experience filled with moments of power, choice, and expanded awareness-for mother and child. When we cultivate new beginnings in our own lives, a healthy dose of horse wisdom helps us move beyond our limitations.
Nurturing life without manipulating it, …is a fine line many cross.
Horses model a balanced approach to motherhood. Nurturing and protective, the average mare keeps a watchful eye over her foal while letting her child stretch his legs, leap, rear, and run circles around her. She doesn’t direct his moves unless absolutely necessary, allowing him to feel supported by experimenting, exploring and finding his own place in the world.
She’s attentive to the needs of her child without identifying with the role of the mother. She doesn’t impose her own image of perfection, her egotistical demands, or her own unrealized ambitions on him.
A conscious parent is less concerned about controlling to manipulate their children than about providing an attentive, supportive space in which they can explore their own feelings, talents, and interests.
Way of the Horse Oracle Cards